Tuesday, September 30, 2008



有许多事情是不必说了再说,我希望这是最后一次。我只能说谢谢你成为我的朋友,谢谢你的帮助。可是友情和爱情无法相同并论。每当我开心,伤心。。第一个浮现我的脑海的人不是你。每当我没事做,想找个人去玩,对象也不是你。每当我想找人聊天,kacau 的人也不是你。 也许事实是残酷但能早日接受事实是对你最好的帮助。


Monday, September 29, 2008

New robbery techniques

I not sure whether you guys receive this mail before but no harm to share. The safety over here is very poor recently, must be more careful and alert to surrounding.

(1) Today i passed by a building which has an ATM machine. There was an old man looking at me and suddenly called me. He said he doesn't know how to read, so he gave me an ATM card and asked me to help him take money from the ATM machine. I answered him 'NO!! If you need help, ask the security to help you.' Then he said 'never mind.. ' and just continue to find other people to help him...
REMEMBER : ATM machines have CCTV. If you help him, and later he says you have robbed him or stole his ATM card, or even his ATM card wasn't his too. So please be careful for these frauds.

(2) When the house electricity suddenly goes off, seeing from the windows that my neighbours still have lights, went out my house to check the Meter Box. But once i open the door, a knife was pointing at the door to stop me from closing it. And they robbed and injured us.

REMEMBER : Even though your electricity suddenly goes off, DO NOT open your door immediately. Look around to see if there is anything unusual or sounds.

(3) This is another story. You think you had heard it before, but this is slightly different. Its about a girl, she saw a kid by the roadside crying. When she asked the kid, the kid said he was lost and wanted her to take him home. The kid even gave her a paper which he said it was his house address. So she took him home. But when she ring the bell on the door. She was shocked by pressing the door bell with high-voltage electric. Once she woke up, she was naked in an empty room.

REMEMBER : Being such a compassion person might not be a good thing. Pass this on and girls, especially, please be careful..AND DON'T BE TOO GOOD!!

(4) I was at the ATM machine to take my money. Behind me, there was an old lady asked me whether i'm able to take my money or not, because she said there's a button might be spoiled, and i don't know since when a small girl came beside me. The small girl was squeezing to my side but i didn't notice, i thought she was just naughty and playful. But then, the small girl put her hand at the hole of the ATM machine where the money comes out, ready to take my money. I felt something wrong and immediately push the small girl away. Then i thought, the small girl and the old lady cooperate together to take my money. The old lady distracted me so that the small girl can take my money away.

REMEMBER: Be VERY CAREFUL when you are at an ATM machine and be alert for anyone suspicious around you.

5) My parents are retired and they stay at home. One afternoon, there was a young stranger said his motorcycle has no more petrol and the petrol station is too far, it's hard to push the motorcycle for such a long distance, so he asked my parents for an empty coke bottle to buy petrol. He said he will pay 2, 3 bucks for it. So my mum took one coke bottle for him. He really did took out money from his pocket, but it was a RM 100 note, and even let my mum to find change for him.But luckily my mum was smart, she said just take and go.

REMEMBER : obviously that note is fake!! Who would want to pay for a stupid empty coke bottle!! Its OBVIOUS to know that that starnger is a fraud!!

(6) this happened in Bali . A newly married couple were having their honeymoon at the hotel. When both are in the changing room, the wife suddenly gone missing. The husband was very anxious and went around to find her. He asked the hotel staffs to help him find her too. Then he thought his wife was just playing hide and seek or wat. So he went back and waited for his wife. After a few hours, he decided to call the police. 3 weeks has passed, there were no news about his missing wife. So he went back and his honeymoon just ended up like that. He was so disappointed and has no mood to work and so he went to travel to other places. Few years later, he came back to Bali , to watch 'FREAK SHOW' in an old house. He saw a dirty and rusty metal cage, there was a lady without limbs, body including the face, full of scars. When she was distorted on the ground, she gives out a sound of a monster-like voice. when he saw her face, he was shocked. He could not recognise the face anymore, her missing wife's face with a red birthmark.

(7) this happened in shanghai. Few yeas ago, a girl reported to the police that her cousin sister was missing in the shopping complex. But after 5 years, one of her friend found her cousin sister begging beside one of the street in Bangkok , Thailand . The worst thing is that her cousin sister has no more limbs and her body is tied to a lamp post with a Shackle (metal chain).

(8) Let's just shorten this story. DO NOT open your house door when you hear some sound of a BABY CRYING!! It might be a trap! Women in the house must be alert in these case. The police said it will be a murderer using a recorder with the baby crying sound to attract your attention. These normally happens at night and when you are only alone in the house. G IR LS, especially, please be careful.

9) i read an email that was sent by my friend. Her friend, which is known as A, went to Luo Hu Commercial City with 2 friends, B and C. Luo Hu Commercial City is Shenzhen counterfeit goods distribution center, there are many people there, its also near to the ShenZhen train station and Hong Kong's Luo Hu Port.

Its says, C wants to go to the toilet. So A and B waited outside. But then after they waited for so long, they felt weird and went into the toilet to ask her to hurry up. But once they went in, there were nobody inside there. Both were scared as they called C's phone but no one answered. So they called the police. The police asked them whether they had saw anyboby suspicious went into the toilet. Both said there were none and its impossible to bring an alive person with more then 100 kg out of the toilet without them noticing. Then A remember there was a cleaner pushing a trolley in, and then came back out...the police told them this is not the 1st time happening. The police has already suspect a gang of criminals that always attacks the toilet in a complex where many people are. They use cleaners to kidnap or trafficking in human organs.

REMEMBER : please be careful when using the toilet. For anybody, not only girls, boys too!! Do not go to the wash room or toilet ALONE!!

Please at least have a partner with you.

Friday, September 26, 2008


11.02pm now, another 58 min then my big day will over. Nothing special happen today, everything in peace. Anyway, nothing mean good thing :)

My birthday wish is hope that everything will go smoothly beside those n years never change wishes. Pray hard........Thank you on all the wishes, i really feel touch..hehe :p

My wish list:
1) Get a good and high pay job
2) Pass all my ACCA papers in first attempt

N years never change list:
1) Everybody is healthy and happy.

Luck luck faster come :p

Monday, September 22, 2008


我不要就是不要, 请别逼我要。



Sunday, September 21, 2008

Very sien...

Don't know what to say and how to describe my feeling. I wan to put down everything and go to a place which nobody knows me. I wan go to a place which has beautiful landscape, nice trees, nice river and beautiful scenery.

Arrh...what happen to me? I don't like current of me. Sien ar.......

Saturday, September 20, 2008


從前有個書生 , 和未婚妻約好在某年某月某日結婚 .
到那一天 , 未婚妻卻嫁給了別人 . 書生受此打擊 , 一病不起 .
家人用盡各種辦法都無能為力 , 眼看奄奄一息 .
這時 , 路過一游方僧人 , 得知情況 , 決定點化一下他 .

僧人到他床前 , 從懷裡摸出一面鏡子叫書生看 .
書生看到茫茫大海 , 一名遇害的女子一絲不掛地躺在海灘上 .
路過一人 , 看一眼 , 搖搖頭 , 走了 ....
又路過一人 , 將衣服脫下 , 給女屍蓋上 , 走了 ....
再路過一人 , 過去 , 挖個坑 , 小心翼翼把屍體掩埋了 ............
疑惑間 , 畫面切換 . 書生看到自己的未婚妻 . 洞房花燭 ,
被她丈夫掀起蓋頭的瞬間 ...
書生不明所以 .

僧人解釋道 , 那具海灘上的女屍 , 就是你未婚妻的前世 .
你是第 2 個路過的人 , 曾給過他一件衣服 . 她今生和你相戀 , 只為還你一個情 .
但是她最終要報答一生一世的人 , 是最後那個把她掩埋的人 , 那人就是他現在的丈夫 .

書生大悟 , 唰地從床上做起 , 病癒 !
幾年前 , 初戀的愛人去世時 , 我痛不欲生 .
有朋友就找來這故事開導我 , 讓我釋懷不少 .
也許 , 她來到這個世界上 , 就是為了還我一片情吧 ..
她做完了她想做的事 , 就走了 .
以後 , 我都用這個故事開導身邊的朋友 .

緣這個東西 , 是最不可思議的 .
電影 ' 不見不散 ' 的主題歌這樣唱道 :

這世界說大就大 , 說小就小 .
就算是我們今生的約定 , 也要用一生去尋找 ....'
緣分這東西不可強求 . 該你的 , 早晚是你的 :
不該你的 , 怎麼努力 , 也得不到 .
但無論任何時候 , 我們都不要絕望 .
不要放棄自己對真 , , 美的愛情追求 .

人生的價值 , 在某種意義上講 , 就是愛和被愛的成熟 .
當真愛來臨 , 如果也就成熟了 .
隨緣 ............
 隨意 ............ ...
  隨遇 ..........
   隨喜 ...........

在我的內心裡,有著一份感覺 . 感動與感恩之情,

p/s: touching, copy from internet


多少喜乐在心中 慢慢游
多少忧愁不肯走 流向心头

哑子吃黄连有苦说不出,在面对与逃避之间我选择了逃避。原因我没勇气去面对因为我没有信心。 天生是个失败者。好想逃跑。 时间应该可以冲淡一切,如果时间是良药,那是几久呢?一年?十年?



Sunday, September 14, 2008


中秋节是一家人团圆的日子,是农历的八月十五号. 中秋节的时候,中国人赏月现在人们也在节日喝酒和祝福他们亲朋好友。

中秋节有几个传说,最有名的是嫦娥的故事,那个女神住在月亮里。很久以前地球上太热了这样因为有十个太阳结果很多人热死了。 一天嫦娥的丈夫射下了九个太阳, 地球天气变得凉快了。 后来他偷一个女神的仙丹, 这样他永远不会死,可是他是暴君, 所以嫦娥偷吃她了丈夫的仙丹, 这样他就不会再欺压百姓了。 嫦娥把仙丹吃了以后, 飞到了月亮上, 她的丈夫留在了地球上。虽然他可以射下月亮,但是他不想, 因为他太爱嫦娥了,他不想杀他妻子。 这样,人们在这一天纪念她。

中秋节有很长历史。商朝的时候,人们就开始过中秋节。周朝的时候,随著社会发展, 人们举行月亮舞会,迎接冬天的来,而这个时候也是水果蔬菜收获的季节。 从周朝到唐朝,中国人越来越喜欢中秋节,但是是在宋朝,人们开始做月饼,月饼至今还是中秋节传统食物。也是在这个时候, 人们给亲戚送月饼。 明朝和清朝,不同的地方有不同的风俗习惯,比方说挂灯, 还有种中秋树。

see this article from the net which talk about mooncake festival. Today, just a normal day for me, study and rest at home plus study group in library. The most interesting part is i not even eat any single piece of mooncake today. Very weird. Maybe the economy nowadays is not as good as previous year so this year's celebration consider very quiet. People nowadays are more concern about the latest ISA case after Ahmad Ismail's issue. If Ahmad Ismail's case is a tsunami then the reporter's incident is the after shock effect.

Today is Sept 14, 2 more days to come. What will happen on Sept 16? I don't know and can't predict, as this is their political techniques. I'm just a normal citizen who looks for harmony and safe lifestyle only.

One of my friend who is furthering her study in Netherlands asked that the moon out there is same with Malaysia? From scientific view is yes but in every occasion, we might feel different as we don't have the most familiar scene and view around. The feeling is different.

I miss my sis and bro.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Parlimen Malaysia - You Tak Suka, You Keluar Dari Malaysia


Wow...so interesting..please read the comments too..haha...Really sia sui la..let the whole world see this video.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Dunno y, i feel quite tired now but still don't feel like to zz...

Surfed jobstreet just now but like don't have any job suit for me. I really have to work in big four? I'm so reluctant to go back to my previous lifeless lifestyle. Never mind, still have time, sure can get a job which is suit for me.

Pray hard for my future and exam :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Angels Brought Me Here

It's been a long and winding journey
But I'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces
Walking back into the light
To the sunset of your glory
Where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling
When I look into your eyes

My dreams came true
When I found you
I found you, my miracle

If you could see what I see
That you're the answer to my prayers
And if you can feel
The tenderness I feel
You would know
It would be clear
That angels brought me here

Standing here before you
Feels like I've been born again
Every breath is your love
Every heartbeat speaks your name

My dreams came true
Right here in front of you
My miracle

If you could see what I see
You're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel
The tenderness I feel
You would know
It would be clear
That angels brought me here

Brought me here to be with you
I'd be forever grateful (oh forever grateful)

My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle

If you could see what I see
You're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel
The tenderness I feel
You would know
It would be clear
That angels brought me here

If you could see what I see
You're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel
The tenderness I feel
You would know
It would be clear
That angels brought me here

my long time favourite song..



Saturday, September 6, 2008

I love my country.

My grandma is in penang for few days. My parent visited her just now while waiting for me. One of my relative is applying migration to Australia currently. We thought that grandma will feel sad as all her "cucu" are separate throughout the world like Singapore, Hong Kong, UK etc and now another one is going to Australia. Surprisingly, she feel happy as we all have this opportunity to explore ourselves outside instead of always "hide" in Malaysia.

My mom always asks my sis not to come back also since she is enjoying her life over there. All the while, my mom likes me to stay with her as my bro n sis are not around but she suggested me to go out after i complete my ACCA. I really surprise that my mom will say this to me.
After a while, i understand that not my mom doesn't want us to stay together but is feel a bit disappointed to our country's MP. Although we already independence for 51 years but Chinese still treated as migrant , what a disappointment. Not only me, my parent are born n grow up in Malaysia too. I wonder why all this issues still can't be solved. Maybe our country still far behind developed country and not open minded. US can accept Obama as their "potential" president. Not to say as a PM, normal rights and respect from our beloved friends also is a dream for us.
What i can say is that more and more knowledgeable Malaysian are working abroad, the reason behind this issues is known by everybody.

"Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail has claimed that his decision not to apologise for his racially inflammatory remarks has received “tremendous support” from Malay-Muslim groups."

Can't comment too much over here, if not ISA has their rights to catch us.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wondering in library..:P

Today is wednesday, as usual, study in library after class. I'm a bit unhappy today but it won't affect my morale to pursue for my dream but it really inspire me a lot. I met 1 of my old schoolmate in class yesterday. She is my secondary schoolmate, eventually i met her again in college not long ago. In our conversation, i feel that she is really commited to her job and ACCA. She works as an auditor in KPMG yet can pass 2 papers out of 3 in her last sitting. I really salute her as auditor's working life is lifeless. Although she said that she is lucky because her senior let her attend all the classes and allowed her to take long study leave. Other can so y not me? I still have 3 months to go, must fully utilise my time to prepare and study hard. Success comes from hardwork and determination.

Is time to prepare my time table for final. My target, settle my ACCA asap and see me in Singapore. Beside that, must pray hard that i manage to get job after december too.

Is time to work hard...........study hard.........and of course play hard after exam :p