Sunday, September 14, 2008


中秋节是一家人团圆的日子,是农历的八月十五号. 中秋节的时候,中国人赏月现在人们也在节日喝酒和祝福他们亲朋好友。

中秋节有几个传说,最有名的是嫦娥的故事,那个女神住在月亮里。很久以前地球上太热了这样因为有十个太阳结果很多人热死了。 一天嫦娥的丈夫射下了九个太阳, 地球天气变得凉快了。 后来他偷一个女神的仙丹, 这样他永远不会死,可是他是暴君, 所以嫦娥偷吃她了丈夫的仙丹, 这样他就不会再欺压百姓了。 嫦娥把仙丹吃了以后, 飞到了月亮上, 她的丈夫留在了地球上。虽然他可以射下月亮,但是他不想, 因为他太爱嫦娥了,他不想杀他妻子。 这样,人们在这一天纪念她。

中秋节有很长历史。商朝的时候,人们就开始过中秋节。周朝的时候,随著社会发展, 人们举行月亮舞会,迎接冬天的来,而这个时候也是水果蔬菜收获的季节。 从周朝到唐朝,中国人越来越喜欢中秋节,但是是在宋朝,人们开始做月饼,月饼至今还是中秋节传统食物。也是在这个时候, 人们给亲戚送月饼。 明朝和清朝,不同的地方有不同的风俗习惯,比方说挂灯, 还有种中秋树。

see this article from the net which talk about mooncake festival. Today, just a normal day for me, study and rest at home plus study group in library. The most interesting part is i not even eat any single piece of mooncake today. Very weird. Maybe the economy nowadays is not as good as previous year so this year's celebration consider very quiet. People nowadays are more concern about the latest ISA case after Ahmad Ismail's issue. If Ahmad Ismail's case is a tsunami then the reporter's incident is the after shock effect.

Today is Sept 14, 2 more days to come. What will happen on Sept 16? I don't know and can't predict, as this is their political techniques. I'm just a normal citizen who looks for harmony and safe lifestyle only.

One of my friend who is furthering her study in Netherlands asked that the moon out there is same with Malaysia? From scientific view is yes but in every occasion, we might feel different as we don't have the most familiar scene and view around. The feeling is different.

I miss my sis and bro.

1 comment:

Bill Hack said...

u didn't try 麦可思月饼 ar?
yaya, dunno wat will happen on sept 16... really feel shock when saw the news that 3 ppls were arrested under ISA on the same time.