Saturday, March 7, 2009

I just like u alone!!

My friend told me that his gf found a new 1 already and is time for him to let go and get a new one. Although this is just a simple words but made me think a lot of things..make me think of all those 山盟海誓 made during the courtship, I just will like you alone no matter what happen..bla bla bla...

When the outcome is not what you expected, then people will tend to calculate..It let me think of one of the phrase spoken by 窝可 in gem of life. His role in this drama is a guy who don't care whether his dream gal likes him or not, as long as he can stay there and do something for her then he will satisfy, that's all. But until the end of drama. he starts to calculate already..and said this phrase - 其实我跟其他人一样,我一边谈情一边在计算..Actually every human is like that..That's no right or wrong..At least you know what you are doing, that's enough.

Conclusion is when the relationship comes to the end, all the promises become zero. Nothing to sad actually, just go forward.. Some people might get a new 1 fast, some slow..Some even will simply pat toh with guy/gal who likes them when there are single...A lot of people out there with different characteristic..What i not appreciate most is ...aiya..not my matter also..

Friend, just continue your journey :) Don't think of the fool decision you have made last time, at least you enjoy all the process and moment together in the past.. No regret! Be a better person, i know you can make it :) Create your Malaysia Dream ;)


siaolang said...

非常同意!一边谈情,一边计算。welcome to realistic world.男有男的算盘,galz 有galz的桥。

Anonymous said...

Dun 100% trust what a guy said in whatever time...跟你在一起时说的甜言蜜语男人是最在行的..No doubt!

ahfish said...

yes..just learn from experience and mistake! ha (sound sad :p)

Anonymous said...

不用为此而伤心!经一事,长一智, 趁现在看清楚不是更好吗?应该要活得比他还要好!